Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Shallots are a member of the onion family, often described as a cross between onion and garlic.
Their flavor is light, sweet and delicate, and we haven't found many dishes which aren't enhanced by tossing in some of these freeze-dried shallots. It takes 18 pounds of fresh shallots to produce 1 pound of freeze-dried shallots, making them a fairly expensive item. Shallots make a good salt-free seasoning for low-sodium diets. Shrimp, scallops or crab all make quick, easy meals when sautéed in butter and white wine with shallots tossed in; serve over rice or pasta. Almost any sauce is improved with the addition of shallots. Because these shallots are freeze-dried, you can easily powder them between your fingers and sprinkle over chicken, fish, steak or hamburgers. Try adding shallots to any vegetable medley, or omelets, or salad dressings. Due to their fragile nature, freeze-dried shallots are sold in jars only.