Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Anise is a one kind of spice. Its roots and leaves are also edible. The seeds are grey-green to brownish, ribbed and ovate. Some seeds retain the fine stalk that passes through the centre of the fruit. It is similar to fennel with a mild licorice taste. The seeds of anise quickly lose flavor, so buy seeds whole and grind as required, and keep out of light in an airtight container. If to be used as a breath sweetener, roast lightly before chewing the seeds. Anise is primarily associated with cakes, biscuits and confectionery, as well as breads. It is used in much the same way as fennel to flavor fish, soups and root vegetable dishes. Numerous alcoholic drinks and cordials are flavored with aniseed, particularly French pasties, Pernod and Ricard, Greek ouzo, Spanish ojen, Turkish raki, Italian anesone, Arab arrak and Egyptian kibib. It helps with digestion and sweetens the breath, so it is chewed after meals in parts of Europe, the Middle East and India. Anise often used in cough mixtures and lozenges. It is also antiseptic, antispasmodic, and soporific and a few seeds taken with water will often cure hiccups.